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Physical Education

Throughout the year students engage with the six Physical Education strands which are Games, Athletics, Gymnastics, Dance, Aquatics and Outdoor and adventure activities. Students' social, emotional and physical development is nurtured through engagement with our physical education programme.

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2nd – 5th class complete a six-week block of swimming lessons in Athlone Regional Sports Centre every year. Third class students engage in the PAWS (Primary Aquatics Water Safety) programme to compliment and support their learning across the strand.


This strand is greatly complemented by our strong links with local Sports Partnerships particularly Denis our soccer coach and Alan our G.A.A. coach as well as our playworks in the school yard. The development of fundamental movement skills across all strands greatly supports the delivery of the Games strand too.


Students enjoy engaging in gymnastics with a focus on developing balance, poise, posture and sequences of movement. Teachers find the PSSI materials really helpful in delivering this strand.


This strand supports students in developing skills needed to participate in and enjoy athletics. 5th and 6th class boys participate in Athletics in Athlone I.T. each year.


Students enjoy engaging in "Go Noodle" dance breaks throughout the school day and in each class as well as classes availing of Zumba lessons. Teachers have found the lessons to be engaging and enticing especially for pupils who have less of an interest in sports and exercise.


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