We Better Our World and We Better Ourselves

Here at Dean Kelly we always have the wellbeing of our boys in mind. We encourage you all to keep up the great work that you are doing. We know it can be difficult to keep the school routine going when you are at home. So don't forget to practice your PAX techniques at home. Below are some suggestions to help you along. Also there are some PAX videos on our school Facebook page that you can watch with your parents. Remember to keep safe and we will see you all again very soon. Never before was our PAX motto so relevant.. "WE BETTER OURSELVES WE BETTER OUR WORLD".
Miss McCoy
PAX In The Dean Kelly
From the Boys Themselves:
We play PAX games everyday in school. We try to avoid getting spleems. Spleems are behaviours like fidgeting or talking at tables or being giddy or swinging on chairs or shouting out and being unkind to others. You have teams with names. Sometimes we play 4 games. At the end of the day your table might be lucky and get one thing off homework if your table has no spleems. At the end of a pax game if you get less then 3 spleams you can get your team a granny’s wackys prize. Some of the wacky prizes are monkey business ,play graveyard,Simon says,air guitar , paper airplane toss and who let the dogs out? My favorite wacky prize is The dog are my homework pass. I like this one because I get a night off homework. Sheriff (4th class)
Pax is a good gesture. Pax means you’re listening, looking at teacher and stop what are doing. Pax is good habit.Pax has also a thing called spleems; for example talking while teacher is talking is a spleem. Spleems are things you do not want but if your good and get no spleems you get one thing off homework. Pax is also about behaviour, if you are annoying someone you could get in trouble (not including your table ). If you get 3 spleems or more you cannot partipate in the Granny’s Wacky Prize. A Granny’s Wacky prize is a game that you play so for example “jumping jacks “. Pax is something that everyone should know about. Igor (4th class)
Pax is a sign of peace. The teacher blows the harmonica we put our hand up in the air. Then we put our finger on our lips and we put our two fingers in the air and stay quiet.Sometimes we have a Pax game and if we get no spleems we get a granny’s wacky prize. A spleem is if you talk,lose you place or are doing things you shouldn’t do. In a granny’s wacky prize you get a card that says a fun activity to do like dog ate my homework pass or other prizes.The most wanted prize is probably ‘the dog ate my homework pass’. If a table gets more than 3 spleems then that table does not get a granny’s wacky prize. A granny’s wacky prize bag has a variety of prizes inside!!! Sean and Ramzan.
We do PAX in school. Pax is good, it is fun, we have spleen cards on our tables. We do granny wacky prizes if we get less than 4 spleems. We do pax in the line outside and in class. Daithi
(Pax) pax is peace quiet an pax hands mean keep your hands to yourself. Pax feet means keep your feet to yourself, pax is also a way to go. There are Spleems, like talking at tables, fidgeting, and answering back. When you hear the harmonica and look at the teacher you raise your hand in pax
Pax is a good gesture. Pax is good, it is like a teacher has a harmonica and if she/he blows it we do pax.To show PAX Quiet you put your hand on your lip and put the 2nd and 3rd finger up and be quiet. We have a spleem card on our table. We have to try to get no spleems .

PAX Kernels
These are PAX kernels that are used on a daily basis by staff here in
Dean Kelly. Teachers use these to help keep PAX behaviour games
ongoing in both the classroom, yard and even at events outside of
the school. They are simple yet very useful tools which the children
see as fair and yet fun.

Granny Wacky Prizes
This is the most favourite part of the PAX good behaviour game.
Children here love to see the Granny Wacky Prize bag at the end of a
game. Inside are cost free yet effective fun prizes that the children
get to do instantly. The children get to have fun as their positive
behaviour is rewarded, thus they continue to try to earn another
Wacky Prize and another and so on.

PAX Leaders
All the boys in the Dean Kelly are great at using PAX. Above are just some of our great PAX leaders here in our school.

PAX Vision
Each class teacher has a PAX vision board in their classroom. Together with the boys they discuss what spleems they need to get rid of in the classroom to make learning more efficient. Then the boys work on having less of these spleems and thus getting more Granny Wacky Prizes and becoming more focused on learning in the classroom. At the start of each term teachers and children review their vision board and decide what they need to improve on next.

Tootle Thursdays
Thursday in the Dean Kelly is known as ‘Tootle Thursday’. The boys take time out during the day to write a ‘tootle’ to another person in the school. A tootle is the opposite of a tattle. It is a note to cheer someone up, praise someone, notice something nice and it is where the boys get a chance to compliment. The boys both love to write and receive tootles every week. They then get to bring their tootles home and share this good news with family and friends.

PAX A Teacher's Perspective
Dean Kelly N.S. is a PAX school. PAX is a Good Behaviour Game. PAX means Peace ,Productivity, Health and Happiness. Our pupils here in Dean Kelly have all learned how to notice the presence and absence of PAX withing the school setting. PAX teaches the children how to self-regulate their own behaviours. PAX teaches children life skills of coping and learning about positive reinforcements. PAX is about rewarding good behaviour and eliminating poor behaviour as a result of these rewards. All the staff in Dean Kelly have been fully trained in how to implement PAX in their classrooms and the children are accustomed to the daily PAX games, spleems and granny wacky prizes. Better behaviour leads to better concentration which leads to an increase in reading and Maths skills. PAX is a daily part of school life here in Dean Kelly and the motto ‘I BETTER MYSELF I BETTER MY WORLD’ is one which we aim to keep.