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Dean Kelly National School

Home: Welcome

School Tours



5th and 6th Class went to Satlhill, Co Galway to visit the Atlantiquarium and Salthill Beach for an amazing tour.


Meanwhile 4th, 3rd and 2nd class travelled to Turoe Pet Farm for a brilliant adventure.


Check out both trips by clicking the link below


Active Week 2024

Check out our very own budding athletes. This week we spent each day taking part and learning new sports.We played games. learned new skills and unleashed a whole lot of hidden talent.


Check out the boys in action this week

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6th Class Graduation 2024

Our 6th Class boys of 2024 will be graduating this Tuesday the 25th of June.


It's a massive day for the lads and one where we will all be celebrating, reminiscing and maybe even shedding the odd tear (the pollen count is high)


check out the pics!

Coming Soon

Rugby Blitz 2024

Communion Class  of 2024

Check out the boys in their stylish outfits

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Maths 4 Fun

Check out our budding young Mathematicians, performing tasks and solving problems using real life resources as well as skills and procedures they've learned in school.


Check out some of our Einsteins in action here


Green School's Water Flag

Check out our budding young eco-warriors! This year, all the boys in the Green School's Committee have worked extremely hard on water preservation.


The boys promoted water conservation, ethical use and they even went to the local canal and helped clean the entire area.


Well done boys, what an incredible achievement.

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Contact Us

Ranelagh, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, Ireland

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